Saturday, April 11, 2009


As you know we went and saw Adventureland this past week, and as I have previously stated, I liked it. However, I liked it in spite of many many things. These things I will tell you. Apparently I should have written this when it was more fresh in my mind. Oh well.

Jesse Eisenberg's character- Is anybody else getting sick of seeing this character in every movie that's about a teenage or young adult male. Seriously, I feel like this is the only character written these days. The pseudo-intellectual that is awkward around the ladies and is trying to come into his own. The whole time I was watching this movie I couldn't help but think that his character is every character and the only character played by Michael Cera, and that he would have been much better in the role. But aside from that, I hated him. I thought he was an arrogant, selfish, spoiled little baby. I mean the kid was whining about having to find a job. Are you freaking kidding me?! Oh mommy and daddy can't pay for your trip to Europe, you poor baby. He drove me nuts.

Kristen Stewart's character- Don't get me wrong, like you said, she actually did a good job in this movie. I still would not call her a good actress, but at least now I won't call her a bad one. Her character bothered me because I feel like that is the only young adult female character written these days. The super cool chick that starts to get close to some kid but has excess baggage so she distances herself. How many times have I seen this?

Stupid Frigo- Is this not the worst, most obnoxious character ever put into a movie? And not in a good way. I realize he was supposed to be retarded and annoying, but it wasn't that. I felt like the character was very poorly written and the movie would have been so much more effective, and so much more enjoyable without him. He added nothing, and detracted a lot from the movie.

The Lack of originality- I felt the entire movie was regurgitated characters and jokes. Like you said, it felt like Freaks and Geeks on summer vacation, yet it was done by somebody else so it didn't have the same charm or effect. I don't know, nothing in the movie felt original to me at all.

The Fact that I hated all of the characters- It's quite difficult to enjoy a movie when you hate everybody. James was a selfish, hypocritical schmuck, Em was a homewrecker, Mike was simply retarded, and Lisa P., well, just look at her. There was only one character that I actually liked, which brings me to my next point.

The best thing about the movie for me was Martin Starr. He is so funny. I swear everything he says is hysterical to me. I wished that he would have been the main character. This guy needs his own show somewhere. He is so interesting and also appears to have so much going on inside his head yet nothing all at the same time. I love him. In spite of all the things I didn't like, I still found myself somewhat intrigued. I liked it, but would only give it 3 out of 5 stars.


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